Friday, October 30, 2009

Orchestra of Crafty Guitarists II, Day 7

A Tuning the Air Journal

Friday October 30, 2009 – Orchestra of Crafty Guitarists II, Day 7


My body is sore, as though I ran a marathon yesterday. Hmmm.

Largely a day of looking after details in order to complete the course with care. A little light at the sitting, which is not so uncommon on the morning after a gig when beginners are involved. Conservation of energy requires awareness and practice. I joked with Jaxie at breakfast that at an earlier time in the history of Guitar Craft, at breakfast an announcement might have been made that we had another gig that night, and would be loading out in 4 hours.

Good comments and even a few observations about last night’s gig shared over breakfast.

For myself, 2 (or 3, depending on how you look at it) back to back meetings with Robert and a rolling assortment of the usual characters. First, the TTA performance team+4, looking at and completing the work we had undertaken for the week. Then the NAFGC (aka, the nafgooses) to look at the support that the Office needs, and ways that we can/will effect that. With just a little personnel shifting, this morphed into a GC Histories meeting. Several things came clear to me through these meetings, almost as a side effect. I hadn’t gone into them asking for answers, or even particularly focused on the questions, but at several points there were very clear decisions that presented themselves. One was very directly related to one of my aims for this course. The other was more of a surprise.

I had just enough time to grab a shower before lunch. It occurred to me that the shower stall was not designed to be used by an actual human being.

Two of the team departed this morning. One was due to a commitment for tomorrow and we were aware of it from the beginning. The second was unforeseeable, involving an emergency at his job. Their absence, while unavoidable, is definitely noticeable.

Great lunch of leftover soups. A performance/demonstration from Those Who Fly At A Somewhat More Modest Altitude, of the circulation work they had undertaking in the morning. Another beauty from Patrick, and a poem from Erin as well. Office work and a bit of practice for me at the afternoon. Tea time was the course’s Merchandising Opportunity. Great bazaar-like atmosphere. I blew out all of the strings I had.

Met with Chris, Travis and Taylor on money matters after Tea, to wrap up the course finances, and get everyone paid. Barring a large surprise, it looks like we will not lose any money, and may even bank a buck or two.

House of Guitars at 6pm. Final meeting on the schedule for 9pm.


Substantial House of Guitars. One “when ready…” and from there it played itself. Three movements. Occasionally fell back on the reliable. But real moments of group movement. Ended with a whiz that didn’t quite reach last night’s altitude, but reached for it at least, and came close.

SSG on supper. Wonderful. The Blessing calling to be uttered, and then there it was. Silence with a capital.

Course complete. Just details now. But inattention to details can undo everything, so attention yet to be paid.

Looking forward to my own bed and my own shower, not to mention the monster.

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