Monday, November 30, 2009

A Point of Seeing

A Tuning the Air Journal

Monday November 30, 2009 – A Point of Seeing

I have been sitting on this for over a week. It first came to me during the Saturday sitting on the 21st. It was the anniversary of my mother’s death, and I found myself contemplating much, including the history and future of Tuning the Air. I decided to sit with it to see if it might re-express itself in a different way, perhaps a more “reasonable” way, but it keeps coming back, and has only been reinforced by events in the interim. It came to me in these words:
If anyone with Guitar Craft experience is contemplating moving to Seattle, or coming to Seattle for an extended period of work, now is the time.
This was followed by:
There is a window of opportunity. The opportunity is great, but it is not unlimited. That we have kept this up, running and growing for 5 years (the anniversary of the birth of Tuning the Air is December 13) is nearly miraculous, and what we have accomplished is nothing short of astonishing. But in six months I cannot guarantee that there will be anything to move here for. With the right people engaged and committed, a new leap is awaiting; a beginning. Without that, more of the same, and eventual dispersal; with luck and work, an honorable completion.

I can live with either.

1 comment:

  1. I would agree with that. Doesn't make it true, necessarily, but I would agree ;) It might be a good time for people (here, there and everywhere) to review where they want to go and whether they are open to what is needed to get going.

